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Sunday, October 5, 2014

GoodOldWooz Found!

Where do you think he was found? .......... Well he was found unconscious, hidden in a huge soup tureen in the cafeteria kitchen! GoodoldWooz Is now recovering and resting at the Woozworld Hospital.Reports say that his memory was also damaged. I hope GoodOldWooz will recover fast.��

 I know most of you picked Mr. Preztige because he has that evil face,but I really thought it was Mrs. Neon,the cafeteria lady. Somehow LilyWooz said that Mrs. Neon is related to Zeena! :o 

LilyWoozMrs. Neon seems to be a secret identity created by Zeena in the future. Why would futureZeenaWooz go through all this trouble to kidnapGoodoldWooz? What did Goodold uncover about Eva &Fil’s father? Could Zeena be their mother?! If so, what does this mean for the future of Woozworld?


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